Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Assessment in a Constructivist, Technology-Supported Learning

“complex learning cannot be assessed or evaluated using any single measure. We must examine both the processes and products of student learning”

Memorize very much for the test
Fit their style of test preparation to the kind of test and
Study only for passing score and a passing grade.


We have said that the best ideas in the world are to be found in a modern library. But the modern educational media center must include excellence in varied media not merely in printed materials”

- Edgar Dale

An educational media center is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media within the school. It is a basic requirement for school to render quality service. It is not independent of the school. Rather, like any part of the human body, it is the unit in the school that cooperates with other unit of departments that help the school fulfill its mission and realize its vision by living up to the school's philosophy and aims. It serves a myriad roles and functions and services such as:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Making the Most of Community Resources and field Trips

“Field trips offer an excellent bridge between the work of the school and the work of the world outside

Planning a field trip includes these steps:

  1. Preliminary planning by the teacher 
  2. Preplanning with others going on the trip
  3.  Taking the field trip itself
  4.  Post-field trip follow up activities

Maximizing the use of the overhead projector and the chalkboard


    New technology introduced terms like multimedia, hypermedia, etc. But let us admit that technology divide is real. Many schools especially those who have not been reached by electricity for one reason or another, do not have a computer. A few schools maybe bountifully blessed with computers and computer-literate teachers. But most schools are not as blessed. They may have at least one computer but teachers may have not been trained to use it. As a result, they resort to the chalkboard, the most available classroom equipment and the overhead projector which has become quite popular in schools.



       Project-based learning redefines the boundaries of the classroom. No longer are students confined to learning w/n four walls. After learning that we need to make use of a combination of learning resources or media to make our teaching as concrete as we can so abstractions will be clear and meaningful, let us learn a method of learning that utilizes multimedia, project-based learning.



Technology can play a traditional role, i.e. as delivery vehicles for instructional lessons  or in a constructivist way as partners in the learning process.

Lesson 10 Demonstrations in Teaching

“Good demonstration is good communication”  

Focus Questions
•What does demonstration mean? 
•How should demonstration be dome to make it work? 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Student Teacher Roles and Responsibilities

Student teaching is often characterized as the most transformative experience in teacher education. During student teaching, you will enact in the classroom the teaching theories, strategies, and standards you learned in your core courses. To help you make the transition from student to teacher, you will share the classroom with an experienced professional who will impart to you his or her knowledge of best practices and the wisdom acquired from years of experience.